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- Surf Rescue Certificate
- Nipper Rescue Certificate
- Bronze Medallion
- Provide First Aid
- Advanced Resuscitation Techniques (ART) Certificate
- Spinal Management
- Pain Management
- IRB Crew Member
- IRB Driver
- Rescue Water Craft Operator
- Silver Medallion Beach Management
- Club Training Officer
- Lifesaving Assessor
- Patrol Captain
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Surf lifesavers are Australians for life. A surf lifesaver is a trained volunteer that patrols our beaches on the weekends. They undertake a number of roles including aquatic rescues, providing first aid and emergency care and providing surf safety information to the public.
Becoming a surf lifesaver is satisfying, fun and rewarding. You can lead a fit and healthy lifestyle, become trained in aquatic safety skills, make new mates, compete in surf sports, and give something back to your local community. You may also help save someone’s life one day.
Patrol Requirements
To be eligible for patrols, you must complete one of the awards below:
Members who are not allocated to a patrol should contact the Patrol Officer via the office admin@sorrentoslsc.org.au or lifesavingdirector@sorrentoslsc.org.au who will then allocate you to a patrol group.
Patrolling Members
Patrolling members are responsible for checking their Patrol Roster and making arrangements to be available for patrolling on their designated dates or organising substitutes. The patrol roster is located on the boat shed Patrol noticeboard, on our Sorrento SLSC – Patrols Facebook Page and under an individual’s members SLSA Members Portal.
Members who are not allocated to a patrol should contact the office admin@sorrentoslsc.org.au.
Members not able to make their designated patrols should notify their Patrol Captain of their unavailability and then arrange a suitable substitute. There are a number of avenues available to assist with arranging a substitute:
- Ask a ‘buddy’ if they can swap patrols
- Use the Patrol Swap section in the SLSA Members Portal (https://members.sls.com.au)
- Use the ‘Sorrento SLSC – Patrols’ Facebook page
Members are to ensure they read the Patrol By-Laws and understand their obligations.Members are required to complete their minimum of 24 hours of actual patrol time (either their rostered patrol or standing in as a substitute) in order to be eligible for a patrol rebate and club award (and to also have fulfilled their patrol duty as per the by-laws).
Long Service/Active Reserve Applications
You need to be a financial member to re-qual, as you will not be covered under SLSA insurance and cannot be entered into the Surf Life Saving Database – Surf Guard.The main awards (Bronze and SRC) need to be requalified each year by 31st December of each year. Some awards have different requalification periods. It is each member’s responsibility for checking which of their awards need requalifying each year.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of doing my required hours of Patrol?
The benefits are; you are entitled to access to the club via the secure key system, use of the Gym for Bronze holders and above, rebate voucher for completing your patrol obligation, access to club equipment and coaching and also counts towards possible allocation of equipment storage. You are also fulfilling the obligation you took on when you signed up for your SRC/Bronze.
I want to be a member of the club yet cannot commit to patrols?
That’s fine, we are an inclusive club, however first and foremost we are a Surf Lifesaving Club and with that have an obligation to the community to provide a safe aquatic environment for beach goers, which in turn enables us to offer all of the benefits of membership to our members.
Having said that we only want people to patrol if they actually want to, as having people listed on a patrol team who don’t turn up lets the team down and puts pressure on the Patrol Captains. Therefore, if you don’t feel you can fulfill your patrol commitment then please ensure you are not listed on a patrol team, while understanding that you are not entitled to any of the club privileges afforded to patrolling members.
If I get a substitute for my Patrol hours, do I get the hours also?
To be allocated patrol hours you need to be the person on the beach; therefore, the person substituting will get the hours. It is generally accepted (though not in every case) that you will repay the favour and stand in as a substitute for the person that stood in for you. However, to be eligible for the patrol rebate you must have arranged a substitute for your rostered patrol if you cannot attend.
What is the patrol rebate and how do I qualify for this?
The patrol rebate is a reward for patrolling members for fulfilling their rostered patrol commitment (24 hours) for the club and is available to members who complete their rostered patrols or arrange a substitute if they can’t attend their rostered patrol. Note: even if members have arranged a substitute when they are unavailable, they still need to complete 24 hours of rostered patrols to qualify for the rebate.
Other opportunities to accrue patrol hours that count toward the patrol rebate are:
- Substitute for someone else
- Attend rostered patrols as volunteer
- Attend club sanctioned volunteer patrols such as Christmas Day, Easter etc
What is the difference between rostered patrol hours and water safety event hours?
Rostered Patrol hours are awarded for attending any of the patrols listed in the Patrol Roster. In addition, the club has various opportunities to assist with Water Safety events (i.e. Abalone Patrol, Open water swims) which also accrue patrol hours. All hours achieved (Rostered and Water Safety) contribute you your overall hours allocation for the season for competition and club privileges purposes, however the patrol rebate is only available for rostered patrols.
I want to be a member of the club yet cannot commit.
That’s fine, we are an inclusive club, however first and foremost we are a Surf Lifesaving Club and with that have an obligation to the community to provide a safe aquatic environment for beach goers, which in turn enables us to offer all of the benefits of membership to our members.
I have completed 24 hours of a mixture of rostered patrols and water safety events do I qualify for the Patrol Rebate? to patrols?
No. The patrol rebate is only available to members that fulfil their patrol commitment on rostered patrols.
I have been allocated to Auxiliary patrol how do I qualify for the Patrol Rebate?
Auxiliary team members can fulfill their patrol commitment by attending rostered patrols either by acting as a substitute for others or on a voluntary basis.
How many hours do I need to do; I compete and I thought I needed to do 16 hours?
To receive the benefits listed above you need to do 24 hours of rostered Patrols during the current patrol season (October to April). For competition rights you need to have completed a minimum of 16 hours in the previous calendar year.
What happens if I don’t do my hours during the season?
Firstly, not attending your rostered patrols or not arranging substitutes if you can’t make it lets the whole team down. If you foresee that you will have trouble fulfilling you patrol obligation please contact the club or your Patrol Captain and have a discussion and see how we can approach your particular circumstances.
Not completing your hours can jeopardise your chance of being allowed to enter any competition or receive Club awards and can result in the loss of club privileges including storage of equipment and of course not be entitled to the fee rebate. None of us want to get into this situation so we encourage members to raise any concerns in advance.
I’m busy at work and can’t do my rostered Patrol.
If you can’t make your Patrol you need to advise your Patrol Captain and make every effort to arrange for a substitute to fill in for you so that you are not letting your patrol team down. There are a number of avenues available to assist with arranging a substitute:
- Ask a ‘buddy’ if they can swap patrols
- Use the Patrol Swap section in the SLSA Members Portal (https://members.sls.com.au)
- Use the ‘Sorrento SLSC – Patrols’ Facebook page
At all times please communicate to your Patrol captain if unable to attend your rostered patrol.
My circumstances have changed and I cannot Patrol this year.
If you cannot perform any Patrol hours, you can apply to the Beach Committee for an exemption. This means you do not lose club privileges over this period. Contact the office for details on how to do this.
My kids do nippers on Sunday morning and I am on Patrol. Does this count if I am with the age group?
Being on Patrol means you are in correct uniform and providing support for all beach goers under the direction of your Patrol captain. Refer to your Captain as to the best way you can do this during the Sunday morning activities.
I assist with the nippers. Can I get Patrol hours or exemption for doing this?
No. Patrol hours are made up as described above; nipper water safety is important during the Sunday morning activities but does not constitute Patrol.
What are the requirements for the club Long Service Leave Award?
To be awarded the Club Long Service Membership, you must have performed your required Patrol Roster hours (24 hours per season) for a minimum of 10 years not just been a member for 10 years. The application has to be in writing and submitted to the office. Approval is not automatic and is subject to official confirmation of hours patrolled and a review by the Board and Beach Committee.
This should not be confused with SLSA Long service Awards.
I bring my mates to the gym because they are members of another Club, is that ok?
NO you can’t. The Gym is for the use of Sorrento SLCS members only who hold a minimum of a Bronze Medallion (or in a Bronze Medallion course at SSLSC) and who are current in their Patrol hours commitment at Sorrento. Don’t be embarrassed when a Club official asks them to leave the premises. Those who have not paid their fees by the end of September are not members and should not be using the Gym.
How do I check when I am due to patrol?
The patrol roster is located on the web site www.soslsc.com, on the boat shed Patrol noticeboard, on our ‘Sorrento SLSC – Patrols’ Facebook page and under an individual’s members SLSA Members Portal account via https://members.sls.com.au.
Remember to do all your allocated patrols to ensure you are eligible for a Rebate next season.