Club Building Update
6 November 2023
The building committee is in a position to share some brief, however positive news.
At the June council meeting the elected members instructed the executive of COJ to have documentation prepared for the November council meeting which included:
Concept design sketches at the agreed location, including separation of the commercial facility with budgetary costs to be at 14 million dollars total.
The plans and costings are scheduled to be presented at a Strategy Session on Tuesday night next week, 7/11/2023. It should then go to the Briefing Session on Tues, 14/11/2023 and then Council on Tues, 28/11/2023.
The agenda for the Council meeting will be available on the City’s website on Friday afternoon, 17/11/2023.
This is when our members will finally be able to view the concept designs.
The building committee is confident all prerequisites have been met.
Rob Doherty
Building Committee Member
Sorrento SLSC WA